Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something Old, Something New

This foto was definitely funky. And it's from the 80's, so also a flashback.

These are all my cousins on one side of the family. It cracks me up every time I look at it.

Go here, really:

alt="funkfotoflashback" />


  1. This is beyond hilarious! I have such wonderful memories of playing with my cousins too! I am pretty sure we would have all been in trouble though if we had someone with their underwear exposed!

  2. i want to party at your family reunions! i wan to know about that kid whose bottom got photographed but not the face!

    thanks for playing.

  3. I love old pics like this. Just imagine all the similar great pics your girls will have with their cousins :)

  4. That boy is their cousin. (And mine.) I don't know why I took that picture. Or whose idea it was to give me a camera in the first place. I was around 8th grade at the time.


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